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Safe Houses for Women and Children

Healing the Lives of Men and Women with Children in Mid-America


The Safe Houses for Women and Children are a unique residential program that allows women to find the healing they need, even while raising their children.  Safe Houses for Women and Children places women and children in one of our numerous safe houses on an emergency basis.  NLEC provides a safe place to sleep, as well as hot meals, clothing, hygiene products, and access to warm showers each night. Women who come to NLEC are looking for a new life, and we are here to support them.

Women also have the opportunity to join our 1 year program that allows women to find the restoration and healing they need to be successful.  The Safe Houses for Women and Children is built on Biblical principles, leading to lasting, transformative change.

In addition to meeting basic needs such as food and shelter, Safe Houses for Women and Children provides connections to a variety of resources such as specialized classes, parenting and life skills training, therapy, spiritual guidance, and skills-building geared toward helping residents avoid abusive relationships.



Need Help?
Your life matters. We believe that you were created on purpose for a purpose. If you need a pause from life to focus on your wellness, we are here to help.

Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
2428 Woodson Rd., Overland, MO 63114

Baseline Requirements
Please call for an updated list of requirements.

(800) 334-3276
(314) 421-3020



​Residents of the Safe Houses for Women and Children face a variety of challenges: poverty, substance abuse, toxic relationships, and more. Each member of the Safe Houses for Women and Children has access to a variety of resources to address the specific challenges leading to homelessness:


Bible study & Chapel

Academic classes & Tutoring

Addiction & Recovery Education

Anger management & Conflict Resolution

Counseling & Therapy

Legal Assistance


Job skill & Vocational training

Healthcare Referrals


Donate to our Safe Houses for Women and Children.

New Life Evangelistic Center is so much more than a shelter. It is a catalyst for a hope-filled future.

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