I was sentenced to death and sent to death now at the prison at Potosi. The Supreme Court sent me a “Darrell Mease shall suffer death on January 27, 1999” letter in November of 1998, I think that was. Therefore I wrote the ten page letter I sent Larry Rice a copy. This letter set the record straight by declaring the Supreme Court, nor any other power, did not have enough power to execute this believer. I am not bragging except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then the Supreme Court found out Pope John Paul ll would be speaking in nearby St. Louis on January 27, 1999 so they changed their execution date on me to February 12, 1999 without comment. Assistant warden Charles W. Driyer brought the 4th “Darrell Mease shall suffer death on February 12, 1998” letter over to the wing and had me out to the sally port. The slid shut behind us as he said “I don’t know why you’re getting so many of these. The date change will account for two, but not four. I said “they don’t bother me they are just “Sanballat letters” to me.” He said “what?’ I said “Nehemiah 6:4”. He asked “are you hanging in there?” I said, “No, I am not hanging by my neck until I am dead, I am standing on God’s word.”
Darrell Mease, No. 990083
South Central Correctional Center