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Jesus Will NEVER Fail You!

Updated: Feb 24

Cross covered in flowers

There's a message Jesus wants to tell you! 

He's faithful! And will NEVER fail you! 

He's here to help you! And will be there to the end... 

He's someone that you can always depend on! 

He's powerful and omnipotent! He reigns supreme! 

He's the Lord God! And can do ANYTHING! 

His sweet peace and hope make it very clear.... 

Whatever trial you face... He is always nearby! 

He'll never let you down! You can trust him! 

Won't you come now and accept him? 

Those who trust him will never be disappointed! 

He's the holy one! Gods anointed! 

May we reach out and receive the life he gives... 

And ask for his blood to cleanse and forgive! 

Let's bless his name and lift it high! 

Look up! Our redemption draws nigh! 

We need Jesus to come and fill us today! 

May we listen to him... 

And trust and obey! 

His salvation brings hope, 

and healing within! 

May we accept him, as our Lord and friend! 



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