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Care Kits

New Life Evangelistic Center distributes Care Kits (Hygiene Kits) to the homeless on the streets every day in St. Louis and throughout Mid-America, including New Bloomfield, Columbia, Springfield, Marshfield, and Joplin.

Most Urgent Needs

At this time, we are urgently seeking the following in-kind donations to support those in need within our community. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families facing hardship. We encourage you to check back periodically for an updated list of our most pressing needs, as it may change based on current circumstances. Thank you for your continued support!

Mineral Water_edited.jpg

Bottled Water

Clean water is vital for everyone, including the homeless. Bottles of water prevent dehydration and support their well-being.

Grey Ski Gloves

Winter Garments

Warm garments are vital for homeless individuals. Donate to make a difference and spread warmth this season.

Black Shiny Socks


Durable socks are vital for homeless individuals, ensuring comfort and protection. They help prevent blisters and provide warmth, the dignity of those in need.

Image by Jordan Bigelow

Blankets & Sleeping Bags

Warm blankets and sleeping bags are vital for homeless individuals in winter to provide a warmer place to rest.

Blue Polka Dot Boxers


Clean undergarments support hygiene and dignity. Your support can greatly impact their lives.

Warming Items

We need donations of "Hot Hands" and warming items for homeless individuals this winter. 

How To

Create a Care Kit

Hygiene Kits should contain basic travel-sized hygiene supplies for men and women placed in a gallon-sized zip lock bag:


  • Shampoo/Conditioner (2 in 1) or both

  • Toothbrush

  • Toothbrush cover

  • Toothpaste

  • Deodorant (Men’s or Women’s)

  • Bar of Soap or body wash (Men’s or Women’s)

  • 1 New Washcloth

  • Dental Floss

  • Chap-stick

  • Lotion

  • Feminine Hygiene Products (Women’s)

  • Shaving Cream (Men’s or Women’s)

  • 1 Disposable Razor

  • Pocket Pack Kleenex

  • Card with Encouraging Note


New Life Evangelistic Center has NINE Safe Houses in St. Louis, as well as housing in New Bloomfield, Springfield, Columbia, Marshfield, and other sites.  Full-size hygiene items are always needed at these sites for NLEC Residential Program Staff. 


Bring completed care kits, or individual items, to: 


2428 Woodson Rd., Overland, MO 63114




806 N. Jefferson Ave., Springfield, MO 65802


For more information or questions, call (314) 421-3020.

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