What can I donate? What does NLEC need the most?
New Life is always in need of your monetary donations to support our needy fund which provides bus tickets, travel assistance – for stranded travelers, utility assistance, as well as supporting our Safe Houses with paying the utilities and other needs at each house. You can also donate in-kind items like Care Kits for the homeless, clothing, blankets and more. Our needs can change from time to time so it is best to visit https://newlifeevangelisticcenter.org/current-needs/ or call our overland office at: (314) 421-3020 to find out what is urgently needed at the present time.
Is NLEC still open?
YES, because of caring people like you who partner with New Life Evangelistic Center with their prayers and donations, we are still open. We have teams that go out daily among the homeless on the streets to bring them much-needed emergency supplies like food, water, hygiene kits, blankets, clothing, and other items as they are requested. We also have just opened our 9th Safe House for Women and Children in the St. Louis area, and we have shelters/Training Centers in Marshfield, New Bloomfield & Springfield.
Where can I drop off donations?
You can drop donations off at 2428 Woodson Road in Overland, MO 63114, Monday through Saturday from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm or at 806 N Jefferson Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802 Monday through Friday 8:00 – 3:00 pm or Saturday & Sunday from 12:00 noon until 3:00 pm.
I have a bunch of donations. Can someone pick up my donations?
Unfortunately, at this time we do not have staff or volunteers available to pick up donations.
Why can’t you just get one of the many vacant buildings in St. Louis and turn it into a shelter?
Even if we were able to obtain one of the vacant buildings in St. Louis, we would have to rehab the building to meet City codes, and there is no guarantee that the city would grant us an occupancy permit to shelter the homeless once we have completed the project.
How can I volunteer?
At this time we are greatly limited in volunteer opportunities due to social distancing and the work that we are doing out on the streets. We do have opportunities for volunteers to have collections for care kits, non-perishable food items, and other items to bring to us at 2428 Woodson Rd in Overland or to 806 N Jefferson in Springfield. If you would like more information on how you can get involved in this way, please call (314) 421-3020 and ask for Dulce Jones, our Director of Development.
Can my 5-year-old volunteer with me?
At this time, there are no volunteers allowed on New Life property under the age of 18. However, your whole family is welcome to work together on a project to collect items to donate to New Life for the homeless.
Why do you give money to other countries when there are so many needs in the US?
Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 to, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Extending emergency help and providing education for children who are living in the slums in India with no hope of ever getting out of the slums without an education is a perfect opportunity for us to bring Jesus to these children who are so desperately in need. New Life Evangelistic Center’s mission is to help the hurting and homeless wherever they might be, whether it be here in the streets of St. Louis, or Springfield, or whether it be in India, Haiti, or Nigeria.
I heard that Larry Rice makes people who stay at his shelters give their entire social security check, food stamps, paycheck, etc. to him. Is this true?
No, this is not true. Those who choose to join our Residential Training Program and receive social security or disability are asked to donate a portion of their check to tithe to the ministry. This portion of the money is utilized to assist in the work that we do to keep the Safe Houses up to code and in our outreach to those in need. We do not take the entirety of anyone’s income and none of their food stamps.
I heard that Larry Rice makes people who stay at his shelters work for free. Is this true?
Those who join the Residential Training Program do work in the offices as well as in other areas depending on the area of New Life that they have joined. They do not receive a salary; however, they do receive room and board for free with all of their utilities and needs provided. After graduation from the program, should someone decide to stay on with the ministry and continue to work with us, they begin to receive a stipend at that time.